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Poker Table

Poker TableWhat it does

This poker table will allow between two and four people to play a game of Limit Texas Hold'em. Hands are played for tokens only, no gold.

Where to buy

Purchase on the Sinespace Store

How to play poker

Details of how to play Texas Hold'em can be found here

Poker tableHow to use the table

Sit at the table to joing the game. Once you are seated you will be given a starting amount of chips. The table will automatically decide on the dealer.

The user interface will show your cards and the buttons with your possible actions this round. If a button is disabled then that action is not available to you. Your chips are shown below the cards and the "View Table" button will move your view so that you can see the whole table.

Community cards are shown on the table itself along with the size of the pot, and the chips available to the other players are shown in front of their positions.

If you are dealer then you can click the Deal button to begin the round. When it is your turn you may choose and action by clicking the approriate button. The values shown in the buttons are the number of chips it will take to complete that action (in the example here it will take 15 chips to raise or 5 to call). You always have the option to fold. If you fold you will sit out the rest of the hand.

To leave the game simply stand up.